"It is clear that the brains behind this know a lot about this stuff. For me, they check every box".
First L. • Job Title
First L. • Job Title
Hey Wedding Photographers!
Getting inquiries is half the battle. Now it's time to turn those inquiries into bookings.
You need to stand out from the crowd once those inquiries come in.
The difference with this NEW method allowed us more opportunities for connections and led to more bookings!
NOW we want to see you get more bookings from your inquiries.
So we put together this easy-to-use worksheet along with a video to increase the chance of your prospects falling in love with you everytime!
He has been amazing and his Ebook guide has given me the confidence to move forward with new business ideas.
Example • Their Current Role
It is clear that the brains behind this know a LOT about this stuff. For me, they check every box.
Example • Their Current Role
"He has been amazing and his guide paired with the Ebook has given me confidence to move forward with new ideas".
✅ Get inquiries with ideal clients
✅ Connect with them in an authentic way
✅ Get them to fall in love with you and book
✅ How to properly follow up with them
Using our step-by-step process you will learn how to...
✔️ Inquiries to Bookings worksheet giving you simple step-by-step instructions on what to do before every call to get them to fall in love with you everytime!
✔️ Video showing you best practices to best use the worksheet
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500 +
20 +
Years of Experience
700 +
$3M +
Made From Our
Photography Business
Gain the confidence to convert more inquiries into great bookings